City Works to Create Complete Streets Design Guidelines

Input from locals Requested

The Public Works Department is creating Complete Streets Design Guidelines to ensure that future investment within the public right-of-way is safe, sustainable, and universally accessible. The Guidelines will unify the City's various mobility plans and policies into a consolidated set of design and implementation standards applicable to both public and private development projects in the public right-of-way.

Complete Streets Design Guidelines Draft Now Available, go to: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

The Draft Complete Streets Design Guidelines were published on September 20. All members of the public, including residents, businesses, and visitors, are invited to review the Guidelines and submit their feedback.

Things to Keep in Mind When Reviewing the Guidelines:

The Guidelines are intended to be read like a printed book and contain illustrations that span across two pages. For the best experience, use the "side-by-side" view in your PDF application when reading the Guidelines.

All streets are assigned a classification in the Guidelines based on the General Plan. A directory of all streets and their corresponding classification is provided in Chapter II. If a street is not included in the classification table, it is a Local Street.

The illustration examples of the street classifications in Chapter II are intended to show a variety of design elements and do not necessarily represent exactly what that particular street classification will look like everywhere in the City. For example, bicycle facilities will only be required on those streets identified in the City's Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan (BPAP), regardless of what's shown in the examples in Chapter II.

The deadline to submit a comment is November 29. City will review and consider all comments received prior to the deadline when preparing the final Complete Streets Design Guidelines.

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