Raising Money for Memorial
7 members of the Culver City Police Department are preparing to embark on a journey to honor police officers killed in the line of duty known as the Police Unity Tour.
Thousands will gather from across the country to bicycle nearly 300 miles together to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC. The tour aims to raise awareness and funds for the memorial to ensure those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their community are never forgotten.
Our officers have dedicated themselves to the rigorous training required to complete this challenge. They are also working to raise funds for the effort. To support Team CCPD in the Unity Tour and learn more, please visit: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.e2rm.com%2Fp2p%2Ffundraising%2F384775%2Fteam%2F1003233%2Fen-CA%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2LnH7NLA5DZrxs3KZPuuycaLiqGrfAMb-xdeO5uGMmvpYPTO9QicMzuLs&h=AT12xkG38b6PAHw_n1ULkUpNoZCRre4e3Q-t16yFPv0JQGUM-JyUvBYnEdDVed6HF9MncYTc2wNBtIpceKpQRM-9Zz6Sjge-dcdyssoottWLp0gt_V2ZSASTOvemg1VDBWtGHefOA29UjTpMOA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1qOBKHhzpa_o_kzRTA5XJu_0HkYw03MnJs8-4zhriTSJlvlVUyVL4skiLULONSG_6-X-8wTZ9jNz9F2fRmvvpzsWd4lfDfNQjU41M0KlJdCW6A241iL9VvpRJMJ04mc-EW7ZG6Zk6h8cyLZbEsgejyyjZTJONDLi89oONZ402sYgeqtALHrnFMxyIO49ee6HjtymgS-SO8
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