City Council to Review City Committees

The Culver City City council meeting next Monday November 13, will address some housekeeping issues on various city committees. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7p.m. and will adjourn into closed session. Returning to the dais council will update on homelessness emergency including project homekey, safe camping, and other housing programs (this update is made pursuant to the requirements of government code section 8630(c) requiring a periodic review of the local emergency).

The council will then discus the direction regarding vacancies on the finance advisory committee; the parks, recreation and community services commission; and the fiesta la Ballona committee; (2) discussion and direction on whether to keep or dissolve the fiesta la Ballona committee, and (3) direction to the city manager as deemed appropriate. The Fiesta committee has been unable to meet this year due to the lack of a quorum to be able to take any action. Repeated attempts by the city to fill the vacant seats as largely been unsuccessful due to the lack of applicants. The Fiesta was largely run by staff from the Parks and Recreation Department this year.

Council will decide on adopting an ordinance amending Culver City municipal code section decrease the cannabis business tax rate for cannabis distribution from 2% to 0%, effective January 1, 2024.


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