A mental health advocacy group, Peer Action 4 Change (PA4C) was founded in 2016 to
provide outreach services and community resources for those facing mental health challenges.
They offer the chance for all segments of society to get together to achieve the organization’s
primary goal: To insure that all people with mental health issues are respected as full members of
society and have meaningful and productive lives. Today, PA4C has over 1,000 members and
delegates. Leola W. Williams is proud to serve as the current president of the group.
PA4C recently held a highly successful virtual conference in order to introduce its latest
plans and goals. Called “Zooming into Recovery,” the Western Recovery Conference drew
participants from all over the U.S. To quote President Leola Williams, “What better way to
achieve maximum outreach while also serving our other major goal – education.” As all mental
health advocates will agree, society as a whole needs to understand the very real challenges faced
today by those who suffer from emotional problems. Without such an understanding, no real
change can happen.
New PA4C members are always welcome. Membership is free. PA4C meets on the first
Saturday of each month at 1 p.m. (PST). PA4C wants to make a difference in people’s lives, and
to do that the group needs involved and active members from all walks of life – including
individuals with mental health issues and questions, family members, friends,
company/industrial groups, and any and all interested community members. To get more
information about this growing advocacy organization, go online at http://www.peeraction4change.org.
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