City Update on Coronavirus

From the Offices of John Nachbar, City Manager and Emergency Services Manager

Wear a Cloth Face Covering in Public

The City and CDC recommend wearing a cloth face covering in public settings, such as when leaving home for a short period of time to obtain essential goods or services. Recent information indicates that individuals can be contagious before showing symptoms. The primary role of a cloth face covering is to reduce the spread of infectious droplets when someone speaks, coughs, or sneezes, including someone who has COVID-19 but feels well.

Wearing a face covering is not a substitute for existing guidance about social (physical) distancing and frequent handwashing, but a face covering could serve as an additional tool used to protect us from exposure to or spread of COVID-19 when used properly.

Do not purchase respirators or face masks intended for the healthcare setting (including N95 respirators and surgical masks) as they are in short supply and will be increasingly needed to safely provide care for persons with COVID-19.

Acceptable, reusable face covering options for the general public include:

• Bandanas

• Neck gaiters

• Homemade face coverings

• Scarves

• Tightly woven fabric, such as cotton t-shirts and some types of towels

More information on cloth face coverings is available on the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health website.

Do You Need a Volunteer?

If you'd like to sign up to volunteer, ask a question, get some help, or simply want to request a weekly check-in by phone, please call our hotline at 310-253-6890 (7:30 AM to 5:30 PM) or go to for more information. If you email or leave a message at the Hotline after hours, please include your name, address, phone number, email address and your need. In an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

"Senior Center at Home"

Parks, Recreation and Community Services has created a "Senior Center at Home," which is currently available online at The resource includes creative writing projects, health & wellness tips, at-home exercises, coronavirus scam information, online exercise classes and more.

Culver City Senior Center Closed, but Senior Nutrition Program Operating

For registered Congregate Nutrition Meal patrons who can have a family member, friend, neighbor or caregiver under the age of 60 pick-up the meal, please use our drive-up service located in the Senior Center parking lot Mondays and Wednesdays between 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM.

For registered nutrition patrons who do not have anyone to pick up their meals, the City will deliver frozen meals on Mondays and Wednesdays between 11 AM and 2 PM. Existing Home Delivered Meal clients will continue to be served on Mondays and Wednesdays. For more information about the programs offered to older adults, please call (310) 253-6700.


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