Teachers Union Proposes Another Foolish Plan

In 2013-14, according to the LA County District Teacher Salary Survey, Culver City Unified was ranked 40th out of 48 districts--about $3,280 or 3.9% below the median salary. In order to achieve the district-union partnership’s goal of raising teacher salaries to the median, then board members, Steve Levin, Anne Allaire and Kelly Kent started to spend more aggressively to raise teacher salary ranking 16 steps to the median--to step 24.

At What Cost?

Five years later, after increasing certificated salaries almost 32%, classified salaries almost 27% and deficit spending over $17,00,000 from our reserves, the goal was finally reached in 2018-19. The 5-year payout in district compensation (salary and benefits combined) from 2013-14 to 2018-19 was over $20,000,000.

How Much?

After finally reaching the district-union partnership’s goal, the union has now proposed raising teacher salaries to the Top Ten in LA County. Last year, 2018-19, the CCUSD was ranked at the median (24th) at $101,382. This means the union wants to move teacher salaries up, at least, another 14 steps with a dollar difference of $4,087—that’s even more than at the start of 2013-14 plan.

Let’s not make that mistake again!

The previous plan’s total cost was over $20,000,000 to achieve. How much is this latest union scheme going to cost the district and/or property owners?

Shouldn’t our elected officials be basing local salaries on what our own little district can afford and not look to other, better-funded districts to make our monetary decisions for us?

After the financial fiasco of the last salary plan, this new plan is looking like another Fool’s game, especially, since Culver City received the last of its extra LCFF funding last year.


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