School Counselor Receives Educational Recognition

By Rikesh Patel

Observer Intern

Sarah Slemmons, currently a Culver City Middle School counselor, was officially awarded the role of California School Counselor of the Year 2020 during last week’s School Board meeting. Modestly, she thanks the counseling team she works with at the CCMS: Jeanine Lizotte, Terrence Brown, Antoinette Brown, and Christina Monroy as well as her high school colleagues and growing team.

From the year 2002, one school year counselor has been selected from the entirety of California to represent our state, so Slemmons will be the 18th recognized in its history.

She was first nominated at the beginning of the year 2019. Then she needed a colleague's letter of recommendation and then a principal's letter of recommendation. The application even required both a student and a parent's letter of recommendation.

But asking and receiving all of these recommendation letters was fairly simple. She had been with CCMS school staff and stayed with many of these families for over five years.

On Oct. 4, Slemmons attended the California Association of School Counselors (CASC) Conference where she was “crowned” on stage. ASCA awards educational professionals who dedicate their professions to students (our future) and their growth and needs.

Now the spotlight lies on Culver City.

Now, like a more merit-based Miss America-style completion, she’s working toward applying herself to be the National School Counselor of the Year 2021, too.


Sarah Slemmons, Culver City High School Counselor was awarded the distinguished honor of California School Counselor of the Year for 2020. Sarah was recognized for her outstanding accomplishments in the field of school counseling in California, which includes creative counseling innovations, effective school counseling programs, leadership skills and contributions to student advancement.

The award ceremony was held at California Association of School Counselors (CASC) annual state conference and expo on Friday, Oct. 4, 2019 at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside California. Sarah's term as "California School Counselor of the Year" begins on January 1, 2020. During her term, each state advances their state representative's application to the national level.


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