A classic "The Diary of Anne Frank" retold from a cat's perspective

"The Cat who lived with Anne Frank"

Story and photos by Mary Leipziger

In 1996 Steven Rubin had the idea for retelling this tale in another media. His friend David Miller was a knowledgable of children's literature, had a poetic nature and they worked well together.l

Originally they thought of making an animated movie, but 3 years ago they went back to the idea of writing it as a book.

David was in charge of production of the Criterion Collection which invented an the interactive sound track for classical feature films.

Steven is an expert of James Bond movies and is currently working on the 4th encyclopedia of Bond films.

Mouchi is Peter's cat, who with his family hid with the Franks from the Nazis, in occupied Am-sterdam. Nine adults and a cat survived in the "secret annexe", in claustrophobic conditions from 1942-1944.

Only Otto Frank, Anne's father survived, and discovered the diary after the war ended. Anne was murdered at Bergen Belson in 1945.

This new versions was introduced at the Museum of Tolerance on Holocaust Day in February 2019.

The authors, both Jewish, feel strongly about the book's message. "It is a story in context to his-tory." and might be antidote via education to hatred.

Millie Perkins played Anne, her sister Margot was played by Diane Baker in the movie, which was released in 1958. Both women read from the book to a captive audience and answered questions at Temple Emmanuel last week.

The evening ended with a book signing and refreshments.

Temple Emanuel and ChaiVillageLA conducted a book reading of The Cat Who Lived with Anne Frank, a children's picture book co-authored by David Lee Miller and Steven Jay Rubin.

The reading on June 12, 2019 at Temple Emmanuel in Beverly Hills, was performed by co-stars of the original 1959 movie, The Diary of Anne Frank: Millie Perkins and Diane Baker.

Anne Frank would be celebrating her 90th birthday this year.


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