No On Measure C And K

Dear Editor,

In the 1980’s I put the first ballot measure that was made by a resident on the ballot, so the city residents could decide on what they wanted in their city. It did not cost the residents ANYTHING. It was called Measure 1 (the Height Initiative) and ensured that we wouldn’t have excessive growth and high-rises in the city. It won with 90% of the vote. Now there are two ballot measures that WILL cost us a lot of money, that seems to be a recurring is a continuing problem with the city and schools. Neither of these agencies seem to be able to run their entities efficiently. They both come back to the voters over and over again to ask for more money. Who will bail US out as residents? We live within our means, it’s time for them to do the same.

We all agree that the school budget is a mess, but property tax is forever. The school mismanagement of their budget has gone on for decades. The first time they came to us for property tax money, they said it would be the LAST time, so we voted for the ballot measure. The second time they said the same thing and we voted for that measure too. This is the third time that they are asking for us to pay their bills. I looked on my recent property tax bill and each of us are already paying $400 a year for the mismanagement of the schools resources. It’s time to STOP bailing them out. The City Council already gives them money each year and we do too. Enough is enough! Vote NO on Measure K.

As for Measure C, we are already paying highest sales tax allowed in California. We are paying 10% when even Beverly Hills is paying less, 9.5%. This madness has to stop. Vote N0 on Measure C.

Robin Turner

Culver City

Editors Note: Ms. Turner’s letter arrived after publication of this week’s Culver City Observer. We are printing it online.


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