The Culver City Friends of the Library Present: A Snowless Snow Party

Saturday, December 9, 2 pm to 3:30

Join us for our Annual Snowy Saturday Holiday Event and

help us welcome Winter!

●Enjoy free arts and craft stations ● Make a tubesock snowman ● Make your own “Snowman Soup”! ● Build a marshmallow snowman ● Pop-in

book sale ● Knitted items for sale ● And lots more fun activities! Culver City Julian Dixon Library 4975 Overland Avenue, Culver City

Renew Your Membership!

Memberships expire on December 31 each year so please renew your dues or join as a new member this month! With membership, you receive a quarterly newsletter, upcoming events information, and most importantly, the satisfaction of knowing that your dues helped purchase new books, supplies, programs and equipment for the library.

Culver City Friends of the Library (310) 559-1676 For ADA accommodation, call (310) 830-0231 (voice) or (310) 830-4532 (TTY) Tues-Thurs or Sat 8:30-5pm at least six days prior to event


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