WLA College Takes Second Place

The Aviation Mechanics team from West Los Angeles College placed second in the School Category in the recent

2016 National Aerospace Maintenance Competition (AMC) in Dallas. This marks the third win for West which also placed in the top three in 2014 and 2015.

Fifty-one American and international teams representing schools, commercial aircraft, the military, and general aviation competed in 25 different timed events. "As team captain, I was honored being selected to lead the team to compete against the world's best maintainers from all over the world. I believe I speak for the team when I say all the support, hard work and dedication of the WLAC staff, students and instructors have culminated into our school winning second in the nation," said West student and team captain Richard McSorley. Other team members were students Anna Katono, Michal Gola, Paul Mattson and Greg Allen.

The AMC is open to engineers, technicians and students throughout the aircraft maintenance community. The competition tests the competitors' skills that highlight responsibilities required to repair and maintain today's aircraft and spacecraft such as safety wiring and electrical cannon plug troubleshooting.

Since the West Aviation Maintenance program was founded in 1974, West has prepared students for careers in aviation mechanics and to earn a FAA license certification allowing them to garner high paying, professional aviation maintenance jobs. This dynamic program is conducted in one of the most up-to-date facilities available for college aviation training in the region. West Los Angeles College is an ACCJC accredited community college offering Associate degree, university transfer and career training programs. For more information, visit: http://www.WLAC.edu/Aviation-Technology/index.aspx


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