Culver-Palms United Methodist Church's annual yard sale will be held from
9 am to 3 pm on Saturday, August 8.
Now is the time to look around for clean, usable shoes, clothing and household goods and donate them for the sale. The following items are all needed for the sale: Clean clothing, toys, books, furniture, shoes, large and small appliances in working condition and household goods of all kind. Jewelry is especially welcome. Receipts for your tax-deductible donations will be issued.
Donated items can be dropped off at the church any time from Monday, August 3 through Friday, August 7. If you need further information or would like to schedule a furniture pick- up the week prior to the yard sale, please call the church office at (310) 390-7717.
Culver-Palms United Methodist Church is located at 4464 Sepulveda Blvd. in Culver City, three blocks south of Culver Blvd.
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