City Manager's Update

October 10, 2014

Community Development

• The Studio (MDR) East - MDR fitness centers celebrated the grand opening of its second facility in Culver City, located at 13357 Washington Boulevard. For more information about MDR, visit their website at

• Downtown Business Association – Staff attended the general membership meeting of the Downtown Business Association. Among other items, the group discussed planning for downtown’s future parking supply, in light of the Parcel B and Washington/National redevelopment projects.

• Jazz Bakery Performance Theater – Staff met with the Jazz Bakery staff to obtain an update on its fundraising progress. City staff was encouraged to learn that two primary donors have been secured and that a public campaign to raise the remaining funds will begin soon.

• Crush Cancer - The fourth Annual Crush Cancer event, which benefits Stand Up To Cancer’s collaborative cancer research, will take place at 9300 Culver Boulevard (Parcel B) in downtown Culver City on Saturday, October 18. For more information on how to participate in the event, please visit:

• West Washington Boulevard Business District – Staff met with approximately 15 businesses located on West Washington Boulevard to discuss the possibility of forming a business association. Staff received a positive response and will be scheduling a meeting with all of the businesses later in the month to discuss next steps.

Fire Department

• Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives – Along with firefighters and safety advocates nationwide, the Culver City Fire Department joined forces with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) during Fire Prevention Week, October 5 -11, to remind Culver City residents about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home and testing them monthly. Check out the City of Culver City’s Facebook page or visit for more information.

On October 7 members of the Culver City Fire Prevention Division handed out fire prevention flyers and CCFD giveaways at the Culver City Farmers’ Market as part of Fire Prevention Week.

Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department

• Veterans Memorial Building and Rental Operations – The Veterans Memorial Building was the site of IndieCade’s IndieXchange on October 9. IndieXchange sessions are designed to help intermediate and advanced IndieCade developers push each other to the next level. It was a full-day opportunity for developers to network with peers, attend clinics and master classes, and discuss common challenges and opportunities.

• Veterans Memorial Building Auditorium – Upcoming events in Veterans Memorial Auditorium include the Angel City Derby Girls on October 11 –; Lindsay Productions Bodybuilding, Bikini, Figure and Physique Contests on October 18–; and USA Dance – Los Angeles County on October 19 –

• Culver City Senior Center Medicare Seminar – The Senior Center will host a Medicare 101 seminar on Tuesday, October 14 at 10 a.m. This educational event will give you an update on the four parts of Medicare (A, B, C & D), who is eligible, when one can make changes, and the types of some of the special needs programs that are available. All our educational programs are open to members of the public ages 50 and older.

• Disability Awareness Month Kids Carnival – The 12th Annual Free Kids Carnival celebrating “Disability Awareness Month” will be held on Sunday, October 19 from 1 pm to 4 p.m. at the Culver City Senior Center. There will be carnival games, refreshments, resource tables, crafts, prizes, a petting zoo, karaoke and more! To attend, you and your family must R.S.V.P. no later than October 15 by calling 310-253-6717.

• Culver City Senior & Social Services Zumbathon – Zumbathon 2014 will take place on Friday, October 17 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Veterans Memorial Building Auditorium. Presale tickets are available for $5 and tickets will be available at the door for $10. The event is open to the public 18 years of age and older. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Culver City Senior & Social Services programs.

• Free L.A. County Flu Clinic – The annual L.A. County Flu Clinic will be held Wednesday, November 5 from 9 am to 11 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Building. Free flu shots will be offered by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department.

Police Department

• Sergeant Promotion - On September 30 Chief Scott Bixby promoted Officer Brandon Vanscoy to the rank of Sergeant. Brandon was hired in 1997 as Police Officer Brandon held assignments as a Field training officer, Detective, Crime Impact Team, Canine Handler, Computer Service Unit and Personnel and Training. Congratulations to Brandon.

• Covina Police Officer Funeral - On October 7 Chief Scott Bixby, Command Staff, and several officers attended the funeral services for Covina Police Officer Jordon Corder. Officer Corder lost his life due to an on-duty traffic collision.

• Culver City Friends of the Library - On October 7 Chief Scott Bixby read Halloween scary stories to an audience full of children.

• International Walk to School Day - On October 8 Chief Scott Bixby and the Command Staff participated in Walk and Dance to school day. The walk began at City Hall and ended at Linwood E Howe.

Public Works

• Water Waste Violations: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) –

The City of Culver City currently has ongoing restrictions in place to conserve water citywide. The ordinance and list of restrictions are available at:

The website also includes links to water saving tips, available rebates and local resources. Listed below are a few frequently asked questions regarding Water Waste Violations:

 How can I report a violation?

1) Violations can reported by calling (310) 253-5555; or

2) Visit; or

3) Download the Go City App on your smart phone to report Water Waste violations and include photos.

 What does excessive water flow or runoff mean?

Excessive water flow includes your sprinkler system spraying an excessive amount of water onto the sidewalk and/or street so that water is running down the sidewalk or gutter (A small amount of overspray is normal and unavoidable). The sprinklers should be adjusted to only spray onto vegetation as much as possible. Runoff is water flowing into the sidewalk, curb or street. If this occurs because of sprinklers, you may need to adjust them or change the type of sprinkler head and/or direction of spray.

 Can I still wash my car in the driveway or on the streets?

Yes, as long as you are using a hand-held bucket or similar container, or hand-held hose equipped with a positive, self-closing, water-shut-off nozzle or device. Note: Storm Water Regulations require soapy water be contained on the premises and disposed of in the sanitary sewer (ex. sinks or toilets).

 Can I wash my driveway with the garden hose?

No. The driveway and sidewalks should be swept with a broom. An exception is made in situations of safety or sanitary purposes. In which case, you should use a low-water method such as a bucket and mop or hose equipped with a hand-held shut off device.

 Can I still keep water in my garden water fountain?

Yes, but all fountains must use re-circulating water.

 How much is a fine for water waste violations?

1st Notice of Violation: $100; 2nd Notice of Violation: $200; and

3rd Notice of Violation: $500

• Connection Plan: Washington Boulevard (Expo Station to Downtown Culver City) – The Culver City Station, located just northeast of Downtown Culver City, is an elevated light rail station that is part of the Metro System currently serving the area between Exposition Park/USC and Culver City with connections to the Blue Line (Long Beach) and the Red Line (Los Angeles) subway system. The Expo Line Phase 2 construction to Santa Monica is currently in process and will extend access for users of the Expo Line to downtown Santa Monica with scheduled service planned for 2016.

The City of Culver City is exploring various grant options for funding of multimodal transportation options, specifically focused on access from the Expo Station connecting to Downtown Culver City. The intent of securing grant funding is to use the monies to involve the community in an outreach process for the development of a Connection Plan for Washington Boulevard from the Expo Station to Downtown Culver City that would improve access and mobility.

Visit the website below to complete the online survey and provide input as the City explores funding options to develop a Connection Plan:

• Plastic Bag Ban Ordinance Spreads Statewide – California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation (SB 270) enacting the nation’s first statewide ban of single-use plastic shopping bags. Currently, 127 cities and counties in the state have adopted a local bag ordinance, covering 36% of the population. The City of Culver City is one of the 127 cities with an existing Plastic Bag Ordinance, adopted on June 27, 2013. SB 270 provides a uniform, statewide solution to the rest of the state, modeled after the local ordinances already in place and successfully implemented. All ordinances adopted by cities or counties before September 1, 2014 may continue to enforce the existing resolution. The statewide bill will apply to jurisdictions not currently enforcing a ordinance, resolution, regulation, or rule relating to reusable grocery bags

SB 270 prohibits grocery stores, drugstores, and convenience stores from distributing single-use plastic bags, going into effect first in large grocery stores on July 1, 2015. Culver City will continue to implement the existing Reusable Grocery Bag ordinance in the City.

Additional information and the full Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance can be found on Culver City’s Public Works Homepage at:

• Halloween Scoot Jam: Sunday, October 26 – The Halloween Scoot Jam is a free event open to the public aiming to reach children of all ages while providing safety instruction and encouragement to scoot to school more often. The Scoot Jam will take place at Culver City Skate Park from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For additional information, visit the Culver City Safe Routes to School website at

• Home Compost Workshop: Saturday, October 25, 2014 – Come join the final Smart Gardening Advanced Workshop of 2014. This Advanced Workshop introduces organic gardening, landscaping with native friendly and drought tolerant plants, and integrated pest management (environmental ways to control pests).

• Home Energy Efficiency Workshop: Wednesday, November 5 – The Energy Network is hosting a free Home Energy Efficiency Workshop for residents of Culver City. The workshop will feature Energy Upgrade California Home Upgrade rebate information.

Wednesday, November 5

6 p.m. to 7:30.

Veteran Memorial Building – Garden Room

4117 Overland Avenue

You can RSVP at (877) 785-2237 or online at

For additional information, please email [email protected].

This is a self-haul event so participants should bring a shovel and containers to hold compost for transport. Residents are responsible for shoveling and bagging their own compost. For more information, call (310) 253-6411.

• Palm Tree Lighting Repairs on Washington Boulevard – The City of Culver City has contracted with Power Source Systems Inc. to repair the palm tree surround lighting along Washington Blvd. between National Blvd. and Fairfax Avenue. The work is scheduled to begin on Monday October 13 and take approximately two weeks to complete. There are 72 palm tree surrounds containing four light fixtures each that provide decorative lighting to the palm trees.


• Culver Boulevard Realignment Project (Sepulveda Boulevard & Elenda Street) - The initial conceptual design proposal provided a new 20-foot wide frontage road along the south side of Culver Boulevard to be separated from the eastbound traffic by a six-foot wide raised landscaped median. The proposed concept also included a 10-foot wide landscape median with left turn lanes to separate the westbound and eastbound traffic. This would require the width of the existing landscaped bike/pedestrian path raised median to be reduced from 60 feet to 45 feet and the #2 westbound lane would be moved 31 feet to the north.

After receiving community input on the project during a second community meeting held on May 20 the project has been put on hold while it is revised and presented to the community again with modifications.



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