Dear Editor

The Culver City Unified School District has on its Agenda for Tuesday, October 14, 2014, a Resolution in Support of a Spilt Roll Property Tax in the State of California. A Split Roll Property Tax would impose a significant increase in business operation cost for all businesses in the state.

The Culver City Chamber has an Advocacy Policy in opposition to any attempt to impose a Split Roll Property Tax. There are many reasons for this opposition:

• Undue cost to small business

• Most Commercial Leases pass the Property Tax burden to small business

• Most tax fees are already imposed on the business sector

• Lack of Public Notification of the subject

• Spending Reforms need to be considered first

If the District believes California's means of assessing Property Tax and Proposition 13 need to be amended, that should be its position. A Split Roll does not "close a loophole" - it upends the foundation of the business economy in California and is not the panacea of fixing the state's Property Tax system. It is fraught with unintended consequences.

The Culver City business community has supported all three local tax increases in Culver City over the last 20 years, Measure CC, Measure EE and a Parcel Tax, to directly benefit our local Culver City schools. If you agree that a state Split Property Tax Roll is a negative issue for the business community, and that we as a small business community cannot afford more taxes, please email the Superintendent of Culver City Unified School District [email protected] and ask him to pass along your opposition to this resolution on the Split Roll Property Tax.

It's your time to act...PLEASE e-mail the Superintendent at: [email protected] in OPPOSITION to a Split Roll Property Tax initiative.

Steven J. Rose


Culver City Chamber of Commerce


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