Ed Little Retires From Water Board

West Basin Director and longtime Culver City resident Ed Little has resigned from the board. Little has served on the board for 25 years. He previously served on the Culver City Council in the 1960's.

To fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Little, the Board of Directors is soliciting candidates for an interim appointment to Division IV Director. Candidates interested in the appointment must live and be registered to vote in the Division IV service area consisting of the Cities of Culver City, El Segundo, Malibu, and West Hollywood and a portion of Lennox, North Ladera Heights, Del Aire, Topanga, View Park and Windsor Hills. Desirable candidates will have an interest in local, state and regional water issues; knowledge of the legislative process; proven ability to work with local communities; and a history of community leadership.

Individuals interested in this opportunity are encouraged to submit a letter of interest and resume to: Board Secretary, West Basin Municipal Water District, at 17140 S. Avalon Blvd., Suite 210, Carson, CA 90746, Attn: Division IV Vacancy. Applications must be received by close of business on Wednesday, June 18 to be eligible for consideration by the Board of Directors.

Little retired effective May 20 having served since 1989. Director Little has been credited for his vision and leadership of the Board of Directors and was instrumental in the development of the state-of-the-art water recycling facility in El Segundo, CA and to diversify the agency's water portfolio to not only include wastewater recycling, but water conservation and more recently ocean-water desalination. In 2007, to honor Director Little's leadership and vision, the Board of Directors renamed the El Segundo water recycling facility the "Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility."


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osirassun writes:

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