Master Gunnery Sgt Lopez Returns Home

Local resident Master Gunnery Sergeant ( MGySgt) D. Lopez, daughter of Josefina Zamora Lopez, has returned home after 30 years of faithful service in the United States Marine Corps.

Her daughter Veronica Lopez is among many of the friends and family who traveled from various parts of the country and overseas to wish one of "Americas finest" fair winds and following seas.

Among the honored guest, assembly member Rockey Chaves will present Master Gunnery Sergeant D. Lopez with a Legion of Merit, a letter from the honorable Barack Obama, president of the United States, a letter from the commandant of the Marine Corps the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps as well her certificate of retirement.

With over 150 friends and family members by her side to celebrate her30 years of faithful service to God , Country and Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) D. Lopez will hold her retirement ceremony at one of her favorite restaurants, Casa Sanchez on Thursday May 1.

MGySgt Delia Lopez, as you transition into the civilian sector know that the Marines you served with will miss you. May success fill you sails, may your travels be full of laughter and may you look toward your future with the same enthusiasm that you served your country. Congratulations MGySgt D. Lopez. You did it your way.


Reader Comments(1)

MCookieB writes:

So proud of my cousin!!