November 8, 2013
Community Development Department
• Chase Bank – A building permit has been issued to demolish the existing one-story building and construct a new 4,275 square foot one-story building at 6201 Bristol Parkway (photo below).
• National Hayden LLP – A permit has been issued to construction a new 11,272 square foot office addition to an existing four-level parking structure located at 3540 Hayden Avenue (photo below).
• Hayden-Higuera Properties, LLC – Construction of a new five-level, 556 space parking garage at 8500 Higuera Street is underway (photo below).
• 4043 Irving Place – This project is approximately 94% complete, within budget, and scheduled for completion in November 2013 (photo below).
• Abraxis Bioscience/Nantworks – The renovation of the existing three-story office building at 9920 – 22 is near completion (photo below).
• Downtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony – The annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, December 5 in Town Plaza. Starting time is 6 pm. Staff is working with the Downtown Business Association on event planning and promotion to include carolers, drinks and an appearance by Santa Claus.
Fire Department
• Fire Station Tour - On October 25 two groups of students and teachers from La Ballona Elementary School visited Fire Station 2 for a tour. It was an opportunity for the visitors to see the station, apparatus, and a variety of equipment used. Demonstrations were provided along with safety tips and educational hand-outs.
• CERT – On November 2 community members completed the Culver City Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. These individuals participated in the nearly 40 hours of training which took place over three weekends and one week night. The training focused on emergency preparedness for the individuals along with skills to assist their family, neighbors, and the community. The participants learned basic first aid, basic search and rescue techniques, basic incident command structure, proper utilization of a fire extinguisher, the importance of an emergency kit and plan, etc. The skills learned will enhance the participant’s ability to care for themselves, family members, and neighbors needing assistance in the event of a large scale disaster. The training culminated with a final drill that replicated some of the challenges one would face in a disaster and gave participants the opportunity to put their newly learned skills to the test. Anyone interested in obtaining additional information about the CERT program and upcoming classes is encouraged to visit the City’s website at
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department
• Veterans Memorial Building (VMB) – The VMB, located at 4117 Overland Avenue, has been the site of more and more birthday parties this autumn. Room diagrams are available by visiting the Veterans Memorial Building page at, and rental inquiries may be made by emailing [email protected].
• Public Events at Veterans Memorial Building – Upcoming public events at the VMB, include Iron Warriors Bodybuilding, presented by Lindsay Productions, on November 9; Donna Sternberg & Dancers free dance concert of Dark Energy on November 10; Angel City Derby Girls on November 16 and the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra on November 17. More information about these events is available on the VMB page at
• Culver City Flu Clinic – The annual Culver City Flu Clinic was held on October 23 and distributed more than 250 flu immunizations to the public. Many thanks to the staff and volunteers who helped run the free event.
• Senior Center Nutrition Program – Staff thanks the volunteers from State Senator Holly Mitchell’s office for helping with the Senior Center nutrition program. Four volunteer staff members from Senator Mitchell’s office helped to serve lunch to the members on October 16.
• Senior Center Holiday Gift Boutique – Support your local artists at the annual Holiday Gift Boutique at the Culver City Senior Center on Friday, November 15 from 10 am to 2 pm. All items for sale are handmade by Culver City Senior Citizens Association members. The community is invited to get a head start on holiday shopping!
• Senior Center Health Seminar – The Senior Center presents a UCLA Health Seminar by Joshua Grill, PhD, on Wednesday, November 13 at 1:30 pm. The seminar, “Lowering Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease,” is free to members of the public ages 50 and older.
• Healthy Cooking at the Senior Center – Certified Dietician Joya Melissa will demonstrate some healthy and tasty cooking techniques at the Senior Center on Friday, November 15 at 1:30 pm. As part of the nutritional programming at the Senior Center, Joya’s cooking class is free, and attendees get to enjoy the samples.
• Holiday Food Certificate Program – For more than 30 years, the Culver City Senior Citizens Association, Inc., a 501(c)3, has worked to spread the spirit of goodwill during the holidays through the Holiday Food Certificate Program. This program helps hundreds of needy people annually. Qualifying children, senior citizens, and families in need will have the comfort of holiday meals thanks to the public’s generous monetary donations, which are used to purchase supermarket gift cards. Checks should be made payable to C.C.S.C.A., Inc. and will be accepted until December 31, 2013 at the Senior Center Business Desk or mailed to: Culver City Senior Center, Attention: Holiday Certificate Program, 4095 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232. All donors will receive a thank you letter for tax deduction purposes. If you have any questions, please call Darren Uhl at (310) 253-6729.
• Award Recipient - The ongoing partnership between the PRCS Senior & Social Services Division and the L.A. County Department of Mental Health Older Adults Program was recently recognized at the 27th Annual Productivity & Quality Awards “Saluting County Excellence” for the co-location at the Culver City Senior Center. Mental health nurses and clinical social workers are available each Tuesday morning at the Senior Center for information and counseling to the general public. Individuals may call (310) 253-6729 for more information.
Police Department
• National Prescription Drug Take Back Day - On October 26 the Police Department, in conjunction with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, held another National Prescription Drug Take Back Day in front of the Police Department from 10 am to 2 pm. Personnel collected 132 pounds of unwanted prescription medication. The semiannual event has been a successful way for the community to dispose of unwanted medications.
• Tellefson/Tilden Neighborhood Association - On November 5 the Tellefson/Tilden Neighborhood Association held its meeting at Quest Church. Lieutenant Jason Sims presented crime trends and other topics to the members.
Public Works
• Expo Update - Crews from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) will be installing a redesigned spring frog at the train crossover (National Crossover), between the Cattaraugus Avenue and Sherbourne Drive cul-de-sacs. The National Crossover uses spring frogs as the device that allows the movement of a train from one rail track onto another parallel track. Metro is currently implementing a two-stage process to install the spring frog. The first stage involved preparation work, which occurred between November 3 and November 7. The final stage of the work, spring frog equipment installation (Crossover Work), is scheduled for Saturday, November 23 from 6 am to 2 pm.. The Crossover Work includes the following:
1. Metro will implement a bus bridge and there will be no trains from La Cienega Station to Culver City Station. There will be hi-rail equipment with back up alarms.
2. Metro will remove the old spring frog and install the new frog. This is anticipated to make the most noise.
3. After the new frog is set, signal and traction Power will reinstall bond wires (not anticipated to make much noise).
4. While still working and when determined safe, Metro could go into single track operation with all trains on track 3.
5. Test trains will be run across the newly installed spring frog numerous times.
Note: Metro will cancel the work and reschedule if it rains.
• Sewer Main and Storm Drain Inspections - Beginning the week of November 11 the City’s contractor (Houston and Harris PCS Inc.) will begin the inspection of the sewer mains and storm drain lines throughout the city.
The City maintains 90 miles of sanitary sewers and eight miles of City-owned storm drains. Under Houston and Harris’s contract, 25 miles of City sewer mains and four miles of City-owned storm drain lines will be cleaned, inspected, and rated on their condition, using industry established standards. In the 2010/2011 fiscal year approximately 35 miles of sanitary sewer mains were cleaned and inspected.
• Renaming of Bush Way - Following City Council approval earlier this year, the Public Works Department’s Traffic Painting Crew recently switched the Bush Way street name signs to “Albert and Ursula Vera Way” in honor of the late former Culver City Mayor and his wife. A total of four signs were replaced at the following locations: Bush/Sepulveda; Bush/Hannum; Bush/Stevens; and Bush/Malat.
• Roof Replacement - The project to replace or recoat the roofs at three City facilities has been completed. The membrane roofs at Fire Station #1 and the Emergency Command Center were removed and replaced, the roofs at the Police Department and the PD Maintenance buildings were recoated, and the roof and skylights at the Public Services building were replaced. The roofs had deteriorated and were in poor condition as were the skylights. The roofs were also identified in a Facilities Condition report as being at the end of their useful life. The new roofs will provide improved energy efficiency and reduced maintenance needs. The work was completed by Hull Brothers Roofing under the guidance of the Public Works Department.
• Plunge Repairs and Maintenance - The Culver City Plunge has closed for two weeks for repairs and maintenance. This is an annual closure that will allow maintenance staff unimpeded access to all areas of the facility in order to address outstanding repair issues and to perform preventative maintenance. The work will include but is not limited to the draining of the Plunge, coating of the locker room floors, electrical and plumbing repairs, repairs to the pool deck and pool vessel surface, and boiler and filtration system maintenance. The work will be done by Public Works Maintenance staff and Plunge Recreation staff. The facility is scheduled to reopen on November 18.
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