Silbiger Announces Wolkowitz Endorsements

Culver City School Board member Karlo Silbiger, a candidate for re-election on November 5, announces the recent endorsements of former Mayor Ed Wolkowitz and former School Board President Marla Wolkowitz.

In addition to their service as elected officials, Ed and Marla were co-chairs of the successful Measure T school bond initiative campaign of 1996.

"Ed and Marla served a combined 16 years of elective office in Culver City leaving a significant imprint on our community." Silbiger said. "Their leadership during the last bond election gives me hope that the path in which we are currently heading will be a successful one."

For more information about the campaign, contact Karlo Silbiger for Culver City School Board at [email protected] and visit and "Karlo for Culver City School Board" on Facebook.


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