Robert Zirgulis Meet and Greet Forum Scheduled

The Culver City Community is invited to meet Robert Zirgulis, a candidate for Culver City Unified School Board on Saturday Oct. 19 from 9 am to 3 pm at 4241 Baldwin Ave, Culver City.

Zirgulis will also be hosting a BBQ and fund raising yard sale at this event. Alex Boutique will be donating baby clothes, shoes, toys, strollers and books to help "Fix Our School Pool". "Mr. Z" will also be donating mouth blown glass and hand wrought iron decorative accessories from his collection to help in the campaign to fix the Culver City School Natatorium swimming pool.

The Culver City School Natatorium Swimming pool has been in a state of disrepair since 1991. The Culver City School District currently has plans to spend over $10.7 million to demolish the pool and replace it with a "multi-purpose" facility that would be used to accommodate 80 students.

The estimated cost to "fix our school pool" and refurbish the Natatorium building that would be used by 6500 students is around $3 million.

Zirgulis wonders if this makes any sense. "Just think what we could do with that extra $7 million if we decided to fix the pool instead of demolishing it. We could fix our school classrooms, bathrooms, air conditioning, and other facilities in need of repair. It only makes common sense to fix our school pool", Zirgulis says.

Volunteers will be circulating petitions and passing out flyers encouraging people to "Fix Our School Pool" at the event. The link to the online petition is:


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