School Bond Vote Dumped

School Bond Vote Dumped

In a bizarre twist the proposed school bond measure was rejected by the CCUSD School Board Monday night. Karlo Silbiger, Professor Patricia Siever and Nancy Goldberg rejected the move to rush the measure on the November ballot.

This means, for all practical purposes the measure would not be on the ballot until June 2014 at the earliest. The deadline to place a measure on the November ballot is August 9.

It would have taken four votes to place the measure in front of voters.

Board President Kathy Paspalis and Laura Chardiet were shocked and angry at the unexpected vote.

While surveys showed voter support for the measure it appeared the majority of the board felt the complex tax increase was moving too fast and without proper information.

In what appears to be an increasingly fragmented board, several board members said they were not privy to the questions asked in the survey which contacted local residents by phone and mail asking their opinion on the tax hike.

District Superintendent Dave LaRose appeared to be the big loser of the evening. He had pushed the measure forward at lightning speed.

The defeat comes after the board granted itself a raise in pay retroactive to July 1, 2012 at its last meeting.

The increase, a measly $4.80 per month, appeared contrary to the board cutting and issuing furlough days to district staff to save money.


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