Dear valued customer or community member,

Dear valued customer or community member,

As a Golden State Water Company (Golden State Water) customer or community partner, we periodically share information with you that highlights issues facing water providers across America.

Yesterday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a press release sharing the results of a report that found $384 billion in infrastructure improvements are needed by 2030 to provide safe drinking water to 297 million Americans nationwide.

California topped the list with $44.5 billion in necessary infrastructure improvements, comprising more than 10 percent of America's total drinking water infrastructure needs.

As the fifth report of its kind, the EPA's Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment identifies investments needed to repair and replace thousands of miles of pipelines, treatment plants, storage facilities and water distribution systems, which ensure the reliable delivery of safe drinking water to homes and businesses every day.

This report follows the recent American Society of Civil Engineers report card, which gave America's drinking water infrastructure a 'D' grade. The EPA report and similar findings from other industry leaders demonstrate the deteriorating infrastructure that many water providers are facing. Many of America's pipelines and water infrastructure is reaching the end of its useful life, ranging in age from 50-100 years old.

That's why Golden State Water has invested more than $500 million in infrastructure improvements over the last decade. Our proactive philosophy and commitment to ongoing preventative maintenance to the local water system ensures we can protect water from its source to your tap.

Golden State Water believes that proactive system maintenance is the best way to provide quality, reliable water service now and for future generations. Well-maintained treatment and delivery systems offer reliability to customers and ensure quality drinking water.

Our goal is to maintain an open dialogue with customers and community leaders as we work together to protect our most precious natural resource. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.

Denise Kruger

Senior Vice President, Regulated Utilities

Golden State Water Company


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