Ballona Watershed Warriors To Celebration

Tom LaBonge, Ronald Smith Are honorees

Friends of Ballona Wetlands will hold its annual Ballona Watershed Warriors Celebration on April 18 and will honor the environmental contributions of Los Angeles City Councilman Tom LaBonge, whose District 4 includes the headwaters of the Ballona Creek Watershed, and Ronald Smith, Director of the West Basin Municipal Water District and Vice Chairman of the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission.

“I’m delighted to accept Friends of Ballona Wetlands’ honor and to help them celebrate the ongoing preservation of Ballona Wetlands,” remarked Councilman LaBonge. “I’m proud of my environmental efforts on the behalf of my constituents, and I salute the Friends’ efforts to raise awareness of the crucial ecological roles played by the Ballona Creek Watershed and Ballona Wetlands.”

“The Ballona Wetlands serve as a crucial natural filter for water runoff from the Ballona Creek Watershed, and I admire the efforts of Friends of Ballona Wetlands to educate the public about this vital natural resource and to work tirelessly for its preservation” stated Director Smith. “I am very pleased to accept their honor.”

David Kay, President of the Board of Directors for Friends of Ballona Wetlands, remarked that “Councilman Tom LaBonge and Ronald Smith have served as crucial stakeholders for the Ballona Wetlands and for the Friends. “We look forward to honoring them and their commitments to the ongoing health of Ballona Wetlands. We also look forward to celebrating the March 28, 2013 BWWC 2


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