City of Culver City

City Council Minute

Meeting of February 11

Here are the highlights from the City Council meeting of February 11.

At this meeting, the City Council:

• Presented certificates of recognition to student participants in the El Marino Language Exchange Program.

• Proclaimed the 15th Anniversary of V-Day (a day to protest against violence against women).

• Awarded a Construction Contract to Carvajal Trucking & Tractor, Inc. for a 2012 CDBG Sidewalk Replacement Project in the amount of $27,499.

• Awarded a Construction Contract to Insituform Technologies, for the Construction of Sewer Main Lining Rehabilitation Project (Phases 2 and 3), P-906 and Lining of Abandoned Sewer Force Main on Braddock Drive, P-984 in the amount of $3,479,199.

• Adopted an Ordinance Amending the Culver City Zoning Map, as Referenced in Title 17, Zoning, of the Culver City Municipal Code, Section 17.200.015, Establishing Planned Development Zone No. 12 Zoning Code Map Amendment (ZCMA P-2012118) and Approving a Comprehensive Plan (CP P-2012116) to Allow a Mixed Used Development Consisting of Approximately 31,240 Square Feet of Commercial Uses and 115 Residential Units Located at 8770 Washington Boulevard.

• Received and Filed a Report Regarding the City’s Efforts to Create an Economic Development Strategy and Additional Outreach to Culver City Residents and the Culver City Unified School District.

You may view a complete web cast of the entire meeting by visiting The next City Council meeting will be held on Monday February 25. You may access the agenda for this meeting by visiting


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