24 Apply For Finance Advisory Committee

The City received 24 applications for six seats on the newly- formed Finance Advisory Committee. Three seats will be residents of the city and three will be business owners regardless of their residency.

The applicants include a former city treasurer, three former Chairmen of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, a former Councilmember and Mayor, once current and one former planning commissioner and the Publisher of the Culver City Observer. The committee was formed as part of the city sales tax increase passed by voters in November to advise council on financial matters.

Crystal C. Alexander

Michel Chaghouri

Karen Coyle

Oscar Edwards

Paul Ehrlich

Goran Eriksson

Harden “Alex” Fisch

Dan Gallagher

Stephen Hadland

Wendy Hamill

James Harris

David Hauptman

Richard S. Hibbs

Christopher Patrick King

Alejandro Lara

Stephen Murray

Steve Reitzfeld

Samy Sidarous Rozik

Vivek Tauh

Vernon L. Taylor, Jr.

Marcus G. Tiggs

David Trovato

James E. Wright II

Scott Wyant


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