Measure Y Tops the Ballot for Culver Voters

With the Presidential election topping the ballot around the nation, all eyes in Culver City are on local Measure Y, called the Essential Services Tax, which would raise the sales tax in Culver City by one-half percent.

Faced with several years of deficits, the major blow to city finances came when the governor eliminated redevelopment agencies throughout the state.

The city council has worked to reduce the deficit through departmental cuts, retirements, increases health care contributions by city workers and an 18% cut in the city’s workforce. Despite all the actions by the council the deficit is projected to hover near $8 million this year.

The council has also approved a Public Advisory Committee to help ensure transparency and accountability.

In the ballot statement council members state the tax will “avoid cutbacks in vital services such as 911 emergency and paramedic response, police and fire protection, programming for parks, recreation and seniors, as well as fixing streets and potholes.”

The tax revenue will remain in the city and, unlike other taxes, cannot be seized by the state.

If passed by a majority of the voters the tax will remain in effect for 10 years.

Democratic Congresswoman Karen Bass is running for re-election against Republican Morgan Osborne while Democratic Assemblywoman Holly J. Mitchell will face Republican opponent Keith Brandon Mc Cowen in Culver City’s legislative races. Both districts have heavy Democratic voter registration advantages and the Republican opponents have virtually no chance of unseating the incumbents.

State Senator Curren Price’s seat is not up for re-election this year; however Price is running for a seat on the Los Angeles City Council. Should Price win, the Governor will call a special election to fill the unexpired term.

Culver City voters will be also be involved in choosing a new District Attorney. Gang Homicide Prosecutor Alan Jackson will face Chief Deputy District Attorney Jackie Lacey.

The county had two measures. First an advisory measure to recommend the appointment of the County Tax Assessor instead of the current elected position and a requirement that producers of adult films get special heath permits and the performers wear condoms while engaged in sex act.

The county has also placed Measure J on the ballot which would extend the one-half cent sales tax voters approved in 2008 from the current 30 years to 60 years.

Eleven State Propositions are on the ballot. Below are the recommondations of the Culver City Democratic Club and the Culver City Chamber of Commerce.


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