Seniors Can Vote Yes on EE, Yet be Exempt from Paying Parcel Tax

Senior citizens 65 years old and older can vote YES on Measure EE without being taxed.

Measure EE is the parcel tax measure on the ballot this November 3. It will raise an estimated $1.2 million per year for Culver City public schools over the next five years. Culver City seniors can exempt themselves from paying the $96 annual tax on their primary residence by completing and submitting a short application.

If Measure EE passes by the required 2/3 vote, senior exemption forms will be made conveniently available at a variety of locations around town, including the Culver City Unified School District Office at 4034 Irving Place and online at the School District’s website (

To qualify an applicant over 65 years old will need to provide the following:

1. Proof of Age: a copy of driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, or CA identification.

2.Proof of Ownership: a copy of their property tax bill.

3. Proof of Residency: a copy of electric, gas or water bill.

Once the application is completed and submitted, the applicant is then automatically exempted from paying the parcel tax.

To ensure their exemption, seniors should apply within three months of the Measure EE passage. Those who do not timely apply the first year and/or those who become eligible later during the five-year duration of the parcel tax will be able to apply for the exemption any subsequent year.


For questions or concerns call Madeline Ehrlich at (310) 398-4103 [email protected]or Scott Zeidman at (310) 925-8207 [email protected].


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