Culver City Observer Classifieds

Enterprise Distribution Network

What does Enterprise do that no one else can? Quite a bit-this goes out to all property managers both residential and commercial-what this company does is save you money, pure and simple, and we never charge for this service-we can advise your property managers of the best contractors in Southern California, the best place to buy their supplies for cleaning and maintenance, and the grandest advantage of them all: we send your "needs list" or a list of supplies commonly ordered, out to bid to 6 different distributors, the best one goes to your manager for approval, if they like what they see, they are introduced, and aside from our consistent help will be billed, delivered, and even invoiced, by the winning bidder. Unprecedented in the West, Enterprise strives to improve every day, on every level-send us your "want list" or list of any building type supply from Jan/San to Office products, tools, safety, adhesives and so much more... Why shop when we will do it for you, absolutely free... 310-815-9491 call for more information, or to start your bidding process! Email: [email protected]


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Ad ID: 438   |   Posted: 7/27/2024

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